Friday, September 26, 2008

I did a project on mma (mixed martial arts) and hakoko (hawaiian wrestling). I did this project because I want to know what kind of techniques were used during there battles against the other islands. I also did this project to compare mma to hakoko and see if anybody still uses hakoko as one of there styles. I also want to learn the techniques for both mma and hakoko. I also did this project to learn the history of both MMA and Hakoko.

I want to learn some of the techniques used in MMA and Hakoko. I also want to learn what do you have to do in order to stay fit for this kind of sport. I want to learn the rules and safety tips on MMA and Hakoko. I want to learn how hard is there training is just before a fight. I want to learn how humble you have to be in order to fight on a team.


DeeRae said...

cool are cool :p

R. said...

Your picture seems pretty cool. I like your picture haha. Love;Rachel

Feki Pouha said...

What a great start on your blog. Please keep up the good work and don't forget to follow the assignments on
